Tisková prohlášení

Press release

16 February 2023

European citizens travel to the EU Parliament to present an unpopular issue

ESC attended a workshop hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA), Anne-Sophie PELLETIER (The Left), and Ivan Sinčić (NI) together with citizens from all over Europe who travelled all the way to Brussels.

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Our Press Release

4 February 2023

Europeans for Safe Connections – a new NGO is born!

Europeans for Safe Connections : a call for actions an European Parliament Workshop hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA), Anne-Sophie PELLETIER (The Left), and Ivan Sinčić (NI).

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Our Press Release

5 December 2022

Nordic collaboration – info request regarding 5G roll-out

We advise as many countries as possible to send this letter to their local tele regulators.

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Our Press Release

3 November 2022

New international institution on BIOLOGICAL EFFECTS from EMF’s - wireless is not safe

ICBE-EMF’s primary purpose is to make recommendations, based on the best peer-reviewed scientific research publications, that include, and go beyond establishing numerical exposure guidelines to ensure safety.

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Kamil Bartošák

21 September 2022

Žádost o poskytnutí informaci ohledně testů SAR

Poskytnutí testů specifické míry absorpce SAR

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Our Press Release

15 August 2022

German court clarifies - property owners of base station antennas could be held liable for EMF-related damages

The Münster Regional Court confirms that not only the operator of a mobile radio system is liable for damage caused by the operation of the system, but also the landowner who makes the land available for the operation of the system.

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Our Press Release

21 July 2022

Self-referencing authorship behind the ICNIRP 2020 radiation exposure guidelines

We draw attention to the recently published research by Nordhagen and Flydal.

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Our Press Release

16 June 2022

World EHS Day 16 June

Let's make the invisible visible

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Our Press Release

31 May 2022

A legal victory for anyone fighting the rollout of 5G

A legal breakthrough in the UK led by Action Against 5G and renowned lawyer Michael Mansfield has invigorated the fight across the rest of the world to stop 5G rollout and its harmful impact on health and the environment.

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Our Press Release

20 May 2022

World Bee Day - May 20

"Europeans for Safe Connections" call for better protection of bees against microwave radiation on World Bee Day - May 20

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Naše tisková zpráva

February 22, 2022

Nejrozsáhlejší hrozba pro zdraví, životní prostředí a soukromí v historii

Občané se spojili, aby změnili pravidla EU pro 5G

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January, 2022

Aarhuské nařízení se zpřísňuje

The amended Regulation will further empower the civil society to contribute.

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Naše tisková zpráva

11 October 2021

Evropská komise přijala novou evropskou občanskou iniciativu

The European Commission decided to admit our European Citizen’s Initiative Stop (((5G))) – Stay connected but protected and registered it on 7 October 2021.

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Komise rozhodla o registraci nové evropské občanské iniciativy

Evropská komise dnes rozhodla o registraci evropské občanské iniciativy s názvem "Stop (((5G))) - Zůstaňte připojení, ale chráněni".

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Naše tisková zpráva

Září, 2021

Nová evropská občanská iniciativa

V srpnu 2021 Evropané za Bezpečná Připojení předložili Evropské komisi novou evropskou občanskou iniciativu.

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© 2024 Europeans for Safe Connections.