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Forslag 3
Henstilling 1999/519/EF og Direktiv 2013/35/EU "skal baseres på de bedste tilgængelige videnskabelige data". Vi kræver, at grænseværdierne fastsættes til de MEST BESKYTTENDE AF ALLE tilgængelige videnskabelige og empiriske retningslinjer, herunder
- Europarådets resolution 1815, punkt 8.2.1.
- Bioinitiativ 2012
- Retningslinjer for evaluering af bygningsbiologi i soveområder
- EUROPAEM EMF Guideline 2016 for forebyggelse, diagnosticering og behandling af EMF-relaterede sundhedsproblemer og sygdomme (side 19)
Detailed explanation
There are many guidelines on exposure limits to RF EMF, but the EU Commission has decided that "advice on this matter has been given by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)" only (in the preamble section point 10); however We Consider ICNIRP Flawed.
Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1815 in point 8.1.2. states: "reconsider the scientific basis for the present standards on exposure to electromagnetic fields set by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection, which have serious limitations, and apply ALARA principles, covering both thermal effects and the athermic or biological effects of electromagnetic emissions or radiation".
To ensure the best attainable protection (although no radiation is the ideal goal, we understand it is not attainable), EU should consider the lowest limits among scientific guidelines put forward by experts who are independent of the telecommunication industry and without conflict of interest *1:
"set preventive thresholds for levels of long-term exposure to microwaves in all indoor areas, in accordance with the precautionary principle, not exceeding 0.6 volts per metre, and in the medium term to reduce it to 0.2 volts per metre;
(Note: 0.2 V/m = 100 μW/m2) - BIOINITIATIVE
The BioInitiative 2012 Report has been prepared by 29 experts from ten countries. "The great strength of the BioInitiative Report is that it has been done independent of governments, existing bodies and industry professional societies that have clung to old standards."
(Note: No observable effect on humans 1μW/m2) - INSTITUT FÜR BAUBIOLOGIE
The Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines are based on the precautionary principle. They are specifically designed for sleeping areas which are associated with long-term risks and represent the most sensitive window of opportunity for regeneration. Any risk reduction is worth aiming at. Nature is the ultimate standard.
(Note: over 1000 μW/m2 is extreme; 10-1000 μW/m2 is high) - EUROPAEM
The EUROPAEM EMF guideline 2016 was drawn up by the EUROPAEM EMF - WORKING GROUP and approved by the EUROPAEM board on August 9, 2016. The EUROPAEM EMF guideline 2016 represents the current state of medical science.
under 100μW/m2 for 2G-4G daytime exposure
under 10 μW/m2 for Wi-Fi daytime exposure
under 10 μW/m2 for 2G-4G night time exposure
under 1μW/m2 for Wi-Fi night time exposure)
1 Lennart Hardell and Michael Carlberg 2020: Health risks from radiofrequency radiation, including 5G, should be assessed by experts with no conflicts of interest;