Προστασία της ζωής μας

Πρόταση 6

Αντικατάσταση ασύρματων συνδέσεων με καλώδια. Η αντικατάσταση πρέπει να πραγματοποιηθεί άμεσα σε μέρη όπως νοσοκομεία, νηπιαγωγεία, σχολεία, οίκους ευγηρίας και όλα τα δημόσια κτίρια.

Detailed explanation

Parliamentary Assembly Resolution 1815 in point 8.3.2. states: "for children in general, and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by schoolchildren on school premises"

and in point 8.2.4. "recommend the use of wired, fixed telephones at home".

of cabled solutions are:

  • much more fault tolerant
  • effective energy consumption
  • safe for long term usage
  • no RF radiation
  • provides a higher rate of transmission traffic security due to the lowered possibility of eavesdropping
  • not dependent on environmental conditions, such as weather (humidity), obstacles in path and attenuation of materials

The European Economic and Social Committee has published the Opinion called Secure 5G deployment – EU toolbox. Point 4.10 states:
"...The solutions that might be proposed to complement the 5G communications infrastructure includes the use of fixed data connections by existing non-radio technologies (Ethernet cables, fibre optics, etc.), in situations where the use is fixed (e.g. ATMs, banking POS, industrial robots, remote controlled medical robots, etc.) and where large data transmission users operate (digital service providers, companies/ businesses, etc.); IoT Internet of Things present in fixed, non-mobile locations (Smart Home, Smart City, sensors on public utility equipment, etc.)."

To implement our proposal for hospitals, kindergartens, schools, retirement homes and all public buildings (sensitive places):

  • Cables should always be the first option (instead of wireless).
  • Teachers and parents must be educated regarding the hazards of wireless devices especially around children.
  • Regulate the use of Wi-Fi insensitive places as in Cyprus, Cyprus hospital campaign, in Russia or in France. Bluetooth, mobile data and similar technologies (it means all wireless functions) need the same approach.
  • Wireless functions must be set to "Disabled" by default on devices such as routers, printers, refrigerators...
  • Wireless devices must have external physical switch for manual enabling/disabling of wireless functions.
  • When wireless function is enabled by the user, default settings must be set to the lowest operational level.
  • Wireless functions on devices must be set to "SLEEP" when not being used. For example, patent WO2004075583 - REDUCTION OF ELECTROSMOG IN WIRELESS LOCAL NETWORKS introduces a system that "after a predefinable time interval without connecting signal, the base station changes over from the normal transmitting−receiving mode into a sleep mode, in which sleep mode no beacon signals and/or other radio frequency signals are transmitted from the base station."
  • Reject intelligent meters (smart meters for electricity, heat, gas and water) with radio transmission components and replace them by wired solutions. Both in France and the Netherlands there is no obligation to replace the conventional meter systems with wireless smart meters which are emiting RF EMF. In South Africa High Court 2017, it was suggested that the smart meters' standard (default) setting for internet connection should be cabled. This brings increased data security, faster-broadband infrastructure and no unused RF EMF emissions.
  • Alternative technologies for mobile indoor transmission should be preferred and developed, All new technologies must be tested for health and environmental effects.
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