Apoyos 24th January 2022

Letter from professor Thiede

Letter of support for the 5G EU Citizens' Initiative

The EU Treaty states the pursuit of a high level of environmental protection and improvement of environmental quality. Therefore it is high time that politics, industry, economy, justice, authorities, medicine and last but not least the churches take the health damaging potential of mobile radiation more seriously than before.

Here a momentous rethinking in politics and society is called for. Corresponding calls have rightly been made by associations of numerous citizens' initiatives in many countries - and now also by the 5G European Citizens' Initiative.

The way in which mobile communications have been expanded to date, with the aim of providing indoor "coverage" over as wide an area as possible, ignores the needs and rights of many people who feel inconvenienced by artificially pulsed radiation. It contributes to a division of the population and should be corrected for this reason alone. One-sided, even reductionist, perceptions of international scientific findings regarding biological effects of mobile phone radiation and the resulting trivializations must finally give way to a broad-based reception and practical consequences.

Already in 2012, I pointed out in my book "Mythos Mobilfunk. Kritik der strahlenden Vernunft" (The Myth of Mobile Communications: A Critique of Radiant Reason) the complex problem, which has become even more acute in the meantime. Ten years later, I welcome the 5G EU Citizens' Initiative and wish every success in the interest of countless European citizens!

Werner Thiede
Theologian, apl. Professor, retired Pastor, Publicist

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