Uudised Our Feedback to EC 20 May 2022
Have your say - Ecodesign
You can also get involved in forming EU laws. The European Commission would like to hear your views on laws and policies currently in development. They offer a platform "Have your say" with the list of all new EU initiatives open for public consultation. You need to register to write your feedback.
There are always 5 stages of each EU initiative, each stage is open for public consultation for a specific time frame:
In preparation
Call for evidence
Public consultation
Draft act
Commission adoption
Sustainable products initiative
About this initiative: This initiative, which will revise the Ecodesign Directive and propose additional legislative measures as appropriate, aims to make products placed on the EU market more sustainable.
Feedback period: for stage 5 it is 03 April 2022 - 22 June 2022
Feedback from Europeans for Safe Connections
We "Europeans for Safe Connections" welcome updating Ecodesign Directive from 2009 because we ask for it in our Europeans citizens' initiative in the Proposal 14.
Wireless electronic devices are not included in the current Ecodesign Directive which requires that manufacturers of energy-using products will, at the design stage, be obliged to reduce the energy consumption and other negative environmental impacts of products.
The launch of 5G is expected to bring a plethora of new interconnected devices to the market, most of which will replace their predecessors. Thus, the cycle of buying new and disposing of old is being significantly boosted. Instead of reducing environmental impact and saving energy there would be a whole new industry building thousands of satellites, new generations of an exploding amount of antennas, electronic devices like hundreds of millions of mobile phones, tablets, even internet of underwater things and so on.
We want to include all device groups that accompany digitalization, especially those listed in the previous paragraph, into the Ecodesign Directive in order to improve their energy and resource efficiency as well as their energy security and reduction in demand for natural resources.
According to the EU’s new Circular Economy Action Plan, all electronic devices, especially those, which are used for digitalisation, should also be made "fit for a climate-neutral, resource-efficient and circular economy, reduce waste and ensure that the performance of front-runners in sustainability progressively becomes the norm" The Ecodesign Directive is a possible connecting point for these objectives.
Please always consider that wired connections offer enormous energy savings compared to Wi-Fi without sacrificing comfort.
Best regards
Petra Bertova Polovkova
on behalf of the Europeans for Safe Connections
