Uudised Our Feedback to EC 10 December 2022
Have your say - Media
You can also get involved in forming EU laws. The European Commission would like to hear your views on laws and policies currently in development. They offer a platform "Have your say" with the list of all new EU initiatives open for public consultation. You need to register to write your feedback. https://ec.europa.eu/info/law/better-regulation/have-your-say
Safeguarding media freedom in the EU – new rules
About this initiative: Recent developments in EU countries affecting the ownership, management or operation of certain media outlets point to increasing interference in the media sector. The rules will set out a mechanism to increase the transparency, independence and accountability of actions affecting media markets, freedom and pluralism within the EU.
Feedback period: for stage 5 it is 19 September 2022 - 23 January 2023
Feedback from Europeans for Safe Connections
We "Europeans for Safe Connections" think that this initiative is not nice.
We have read the draft and we are uneasy with the Article 6, point 1b saying that media service providers shall disclose only those share owners who, according to them, may have an influence on the adoption of strategic decisions.
We think they should disclose all owners.
We are also uneasy with the Article 6, point 2b saying that media service providers shall disclose only those conflicts of interest that they believe may affect the provision of content.
We think they should disclose all conflicts of interest.
In our european citizens' initiative "Stop (((5G))) – Stay connected but protected" we point out that debates on digitalization are supplanted by advertising.
Digital innovations are promoted uncritically by media, politicians and advertisements. There is no plurality, no objective discussion about potential problems.
The European people were not informed about the pros and cons of wireless rollout. Presently, the 5G roll-out is in the hands of uneducated politicians and lobbyists who have not engaged in any dialogue with the EU public. So far there has been no unbiased discussion in the EU community.
Best regards
Petra Bertova
on behalf of the Europeans for Safe Connections
This feedback was sent from a wired internet connection
- No use of harmful radiation
- Less electricity consumption
- Increased data security