Notizie Our Press Release 4 February 2023

Europeans for Safe Connections – a new NGO is born!

Updated on 9 February 2023, videos added:
Part 1
Part 2

The new NGO, Europeans for Safe Connections, will be presented in the European Parliament on February 7, 2023 at an event hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA), Anne-Sophie PELLETIER (The Left), and Ivan Sinčić (NI).

A European Parliament workshop event will be held for MEPs, Members of the Commission and stakeholders in order to learn about the Europeans for Safe Connections.

Members of the new NGO will present a major action alert regarding the dark side of our modern wireless telecommunication technologies. There will be exchange of views with current and former members of the European Economic and Social Committee, and the DG Connect.

Please read PROGRAM & SPEAKERS in the invitation:

Europeans for Safe Connections (ESC) is a coalition of European organisations that are aware of adverse consequences of the modern communication technologies. Humans, fauna and flora are harmed by radiation from wireless technologies. Current exposure limits provide insufficient protection — especially for vulnerable people (like children, pregnant women, patients, the elderly), animals, pollinating insects and plants.

A rough estimate says that 25 million people in Europe suffer from electro hypersensitivity, a condition related to the current electrosmog exposure. With 5G, and 6G in the future, the amount of connected electronic devices, antennas and satellites will explode and so will the radiation level. In addition, unsustainable energy consumption, harmful mining and pollution will ensue, which will endanger biodiversity and natural habitats.

Europeans for Safe Connections is the initiator of the European Citizens’ Initiative (ECI) Stop 5G — Stay Connected but Protected”, that call on the EU for stronger regulation to protect the environment from all the impacts of 5G and digitalization, to protect all life from the harmful effects from wireless radiation and to ensure that exposure guidelines are drawn up by totally independent scientists with the proper biomedical and medical expertise.

Europeans for Safe Connections
Pernille Schriver
coordinator for
Stop 5G – Stay Connected but Protected

© 2024 Europeans for safe connections.