Notizie Our Feedback to EC 21 May 2022
Have your say - European Environment Agency
You can also get involved in forming EU laws. The European Commission would like to hear your views on laws and policies currently in development. They offer a platform "Have your say" with the list of all new EU initiatives open for public consultation. You need to register to write your feedback.
There are always 5 stages of each EU initiative, each stage is open for public consultation for a specific time frame:
In preparation
Call for evidence
Public consultation
Draft act
Commission adoption
European Environment Agency – 2017-2021 performance evaluation
About this initiative: This initiative will assess how the EEA/EIONET has performed in 2017-2021 and how relevant its strengthened mandate is in the recent EU policy context.
Feedback period: for stage 2 it is 25 April 2022 - 23 May 2022
Feedback from Europeans for Safe Connections
We, The Europeans for Safe Connections, represent in Europe a wide range of networks, associations, and organisations with expertise in the field of health effects of man-made EMF’s and an educational and supportive role. For almost two decades we have continuously been informing and contacting our respective authorities about the risks of adverse health effects from manmade EMF exposure. At the same time, we have been asking our authorities to recognize the risks for severe health and environmental consequences of the continued increasing man-made EMF pollution. Humans, animals, and plants are at risk to be affected by current and future rising EMF levels which many scientific articles have described over the past 10-20 years.
This feedback is based on the EU stated purpose of the EEA and the EIONET which is to provide the EU and its Member States with objective, reliable and comparable environmental information and necessary technical and scientific support. Furthermore, the EU ask for feedback on how the EEA/EIONOT has performed in 2017-2021 and how relevant its strengthened mandate is in the recent EU policy context.
We therefore question where in the EU system the massive and broad research-based information has been lost about the risks of adverse health effects from manmade EMF radiation. The EEA and EIONET, according to their purpose, should be one of the tools in the EU system to absorb and disseminate such important information in order to convert it into EU and member state policy for the protection of all living organism.
Fetuses, children, animals and plants are particularly vulnerable and are most likely to be affected when living in a biologically harmful EMF polluted environment. This leads to major human, environmental and economic consequences for the EU in the long term.
We must point out that the manmade EMF radiation in itself or in the extension it is and is going to be applied in society has never been assessed on health or the environmental impacts neither in the EU nor in any member state. The Spanish Ombudsman has ruled that the Spanish National 5G Action Plan has not considered environmental aspects. The failure of the Spanish National 5G Action Plan to take into account environmental aspects could have a major impact on the whole of Europe, as several countries' environmental legislation is based on the same EU legislation.
Where in the EU System has this information on the impact of EMFs been lost?
Is it the EIONET that is not reporting to the EEA? If so, we would suggest that Europeans for Safe Connections in the future becomes part of EIONET's focus network on the subjects of health, environment, air pollution and biodiversity. In this way, the information, knowledge, and updated research represented by the umbrella organisations Europeans for Safe Connections will be passed on to the EIONET network and thus also to the EEA.
Has the EEA not focused on EMF pollution and its consequences in the past? EEA report “Healthy environment, healthy lives: how the environment influences health and well-being in Europe” from 2019 mentions EMF in relation to health. Hence EEA has had focus on the possible health consequences of EMF pollution. But it has somehow evaded the programs of the EEA/EIONET. We strongly suggest that the EMF pollution will be included in the future programs.
We are astonished that the EEA has not followed up on their own concerns regarding the immerging issue in “Late Lessons - Early Warnings” from 2013, where the EEA writes: “In 2011 the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) categorised the radiation fields from mobile phones and other devices that emit similar non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMFs), as a Group 2B i.e. 'possible' human carcinogen.”
In 2014 Hardell and Carlberg concluded: “…glioma and acoustic neuroma should be considered to be caused by RF-EMF emissions from wireless phones and regarded as carcinogenic to humans, classifying it as group 1 according to the IARC classification. Current guidelines for exposure need to be urgently revised."
The impact of exposure to EMF is expected to rise substantially with the planned development of the ubiquitous 5G and Internet of Things. This EMF pollution calls for action now.
We encourage the Commission to mandate the EEA to be able to influence the Commission to make proper and protective policy in the field of EMF pollution based on UpToDate industry Independent science and on the Precautionary Principle.
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Best regards
Pernille Schriver
on behalf of Europeans for Safe Connections