
Did you know?

Indirect effects on personal health

5G frequency band 3.7-3.98GHz is major risk of harmful interference for radio altimeters in aircraft.

Various aviation safety authorities in the United States, Canada were concerned about broad impacts to aviation operations including the possibility of “catastrophic failures” with potential for multiple fatalities.

Companies know about the risks

Insurance companies classified 5G as a “high impact” emerging risk and keep quiet about RF EMF exclusion clause.

Swiss RE Institute: Existing concerns regarding potential negative health effects from electromagnetic fields (EMF) are only likely to increase. An uptick in liability claims could be a potential long-term consequence.“

Companies refuse to cover illnesses caused by long-term (non-ionizing) EMF exposure and liability insurance of telecommunication companies.


  • CFC Underwriting LTD in London, the UK agent for Lloyd’s of London mentioned in policy document EXCLUSIONS RELATING TO OTHER INSURANCES: „Electromagnetic fields directly or indirectly arising out of, resulting from or contributed to by electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetism, radio waves or noise.“
  • Zurich Community Care Liability Insurance: Exclusion on electromagnetic fields in Combined general liability insurance policy: „any liability of whatsoever nature directly or indirectly caused by, in connection with or contributed to by or arising from electromagnetic fields (EMF) or electromagnetic interference (EMI).“

Some telecommunications companies rate RF EMF health risk issues as high impact and warned only investors about the potential risks.

Some telecommunications companies rate the health risks of RF EMF as „high impact.

All potential harmful effects of user wireless devices are shifted to the user liability by certain instructions within user manuals

Wireless companies withheld information potential health risks of RF EMF from consumers and neighbors using mobile phones or living near the mobile phone.


  • British Telecom, warned investors in 2017 Annual Report: „We can’t provide absolute ­assurance that research in the future won’t establish links between radio frequency emissions and health risks.“
  • Vodafone wrote in 2018 Annual Report: „EMF found to pose health risks causing reduction in mobile usage or litigation“.

Value of properties is diminished by antennas in closer proximity.

The Impact of Cell Phone Towers on House Prices in Residential Neighborhoods study from 2008 found „that buyers when asked in what way the cellular phone base stations or antennas impacts the enjoyment of living in their home, 37% responded that its impact was related to health concerns, 21% said it impacted neighborhood aesthetics, 20% said it impacted property value, and 12% said it impacted the view from their property.“

Also powerlines could lower value of property.

5G is rated as "high risk" by Swiss Re. Wireless companies warn their shareholders about risk, but not consumers, nor people living near 5G cell towers.

Lower fetal development scores associated with prenatal exposure

Childrens' body is a fragile ecosystem - BLOG ARTICLE

No official assessment on schoolchild's exposure

Authorities blind to experts' warnings - EU BLOG ARTICLE

Physicians strongly recommend wired connections in classrooms to eliminate wireless radiation exposures. Schools are a unique environment because children spend several hours a day in classrooms with strong wireless exposure.

A growing amount of scientific research links this wireless radiation to serious health effects — such as memory and sleep problems, headaches, cancer, and damage to brain development.


5G has not been environmentally assessed

Will it end with a thousand 'G', but with no bee? - BLOG ARTICLE

For microwave-exposed hives, fewer bees return home and less honey they produce.

Only a very small amount of sun radiation contains components of radiofrequency spectrum, only 0.003 mW/m2 (IARC, Non-ionizing Radiation, PDF document page 42). In the EU maximum exposure limit is 10,000 mW/m2.


No international body regulates satellite launches

Authorities are concerned and call for responsibility in space - EU BLOG ARTICLE

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