Nieuws Onze feedback aan EC 21 August 2022

Geef uw mening - Farm data

Ook u kunt meepraten over de totstandkoming van EU-wetgeving. De Europese Commissie wil graag uw mening horen over wetten en beleidsmaatregelen die momenteel worden ontwikkeld. Zij bieden een platform "Geef uw mening" met een lijst van alle nieuwe EU-initiatieven die openstaan voor openbare raadpleging. U moet zich registreren om uw mening te kunnen geven.

Elk EU-initiatief bestaat uit 5 fasen, waarbij elke fase gedurende een bepaalde periode openstaat voor openbare raadpleging:

  1. In voorbereiding
  2. Oproep tot het indienen van bewijsmateriaal
  3. Openbare raadpleging
  4. Ontwerpbesluit
  5. Goedkeuring door de Commissie

Omzetting in een informatienet inzake de duurzaamheid van landbouwbedrijven (FSDN)

About this initiative: This initiative will expand the scope of the current network collecting data on EU farms to include data on their environmental and social practices. With this new data collection, it will be possible to benchmark farm performance and give farmers tailored advice and guidance.

Feedback period: for stage 5 it is 22 June 2022 - 09 September 2022


Feedback from Europeans for Safe Connections

A data network is set being up to collect economic, environmental and social data at farm level. We "Europeans for Safe Connections" strongly suggest that it be explicitly stated that data on the environment should include data on telecommunication masts near farms.

In addition, all information about all wireless technologies used on or near farms should be included. Many scientists accept RF EMF as an environmental pollutant and want it monitored.

There are many well conducted animal studies that clearly demonstrate the harmful effects of RF EMF on animals. Teratogenic and carcinogenic effects have been observed. In 2011 WHO classified RF EMF in group 2B (possibly carcinogenic to humans) and it is expected to change into just ”cancer causing” (it is planned by IARC to review the classification in 2022-24). The WHO - International EMF Project Report 2021 states that RF EMFs have been shown to induce oxidative stress in studies on cell cultures and on animals, which can lead to mitochondrial DNA damage and can affect various organs (e.g. brain and reproductive organs).

Studies on various animal species (dogs, birds, livestock) have confirmed that animals are sensitive to the weak geomagnetic field and that they often align themselves with these natural fields (NW direction) with their body posture.

Animal studies have shown that long-term exposure to RF radiation has adverse biological effects in cattle - changes in behaviour, reduced milk production, increased oxidative stress in the blood. Veal calves in barns close to the base stations suffered from eye cataracts.,

In vitro studies have shown an adverse effect of RF EMF on bovine sperm motility

Within 10 months of installing a base station 200 metres from a French farm in Mazeyrat-d'Allier, about 40 cattle from its usually 200-strong herd died and milk production was reduced by 15-20%. A French court ordered the antennae to be removed.

There are projects on monitoring agriculture sites (and wildlife in natural habitats) by wireless technologies including 5G. Development of wireless antennas in nature will endanger many species, including birds and insects.
STOA study:

Some people use devices to track or monitor the condition of livestock animals and also pets. With these devices animals are exposed to a large volume of pulsed RF EMF from a wireless device placed on or inside the body on a regular and prolonged basis, leading to oxidative stress that disrupts the biological processes of the organism and surrounded organisms.

When online monitoring or tracking is not needed, a safe alternative should be provided where animals are not exposed to wireless radiation and information can be collected via a secure temporary cable connection.

If a wireless alternative is unavoidable:

- ensure that animals are exposed to a minimum radiation dose for a limited time
- ensure tracking and monitoring devices have a manual switch off-button
- prioritize to protect young animals
- consider the head as the most vulnerable when using a collar
- apply Ecodesign Directive 2009/125/EC to ensure lowest RF emissions and energy efficiency
- instruct owners to use wireless devices connected to mobile network based on pets and other animals outdoors only if there is a proper signal and to use it only for a limited time
- manufacturers of devices should consider the body proportions and specific weight of animals and use data exchange protocols and functionalities that ensure the lowest possible radiation emission including peak pulses, and minimize data transfer.

Best regards
Kamil Bartošák
on behalf of the Europeans for Safe Connections

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