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Imprint, Copyright, Data protection

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Hrvatski (hr)
Latviešu (lv)
Lietuvių (lt)
Magyar (hu)
Malti (mt)
Polski (pl)
Português (pt)
Română (ro)
Slovenščina (sl)
Suomeksi (fi)


български (bg)
Čeština (cs)
Ελληνικά (el)
Español (es)
Eesti (et)
Suomeksi (fi)
Français (fr)
Gaeilge (ga)
Hrvatski (hr)
Magyar (hu)
Italiano (it)
Lietuvių (lt)
Latviešu (lv)
Malti (mt)
Polski (pl)
Português (pt)
Română (ro)
Slovenčina (sk)
Slovenščina (sl)
Svenska (sv)

EU blog article

You can translate articles into your language and publish them in your local magazines. Credit has to be given to the original EU source! You can ask the magazine to attach our printed signature form.



– Slovak translation published in the magazine Dieťa

Artificial intelligence

List of changes


Detailed explanation of proposals 10, 12, 13, 22 - added updates at the bottom

EHS - added updates at the bottom


Detailed explanation of proposals 10, 16, 18 - added updates at the bottom


Detailed explanation of proposals 6, 18 - added updates at the bottom

Existing laws - added updates at the bottom

Added a link at the bottom of Biological effects

Added a link to more material page, second headline in Material page


We Consider ICNIRP Flawed - added a video at the bottom

Introduction to the Detailed Annex - added an update at the bottom

Detailed explanation of proposals 2, 8, 21 - added updates at the bottom


RF EMF - added text under the image

Detailed explanation of proposals 2, 3, 5 - added updates at the bottom


Detailed explanation of proposals 6, 7, 9, 10, 22, 23 - added updates at the bottom

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