News letters Newsletter number 7 28 April 2023

Newsletter May 2023

The new European organization
Europeans for Safe Connections
Newsletter May 2023

Dear readers,

Let’s stay in touch. We hope you would like to follow us after the conclusion of the European Citizens' Initiative Stop 5G — Stay Connected but Protected. Our ECI may be over, but we from Europeans for Safe Connections are not done yet. Would you like to follow us and learn more about our activities against adverse consequences of the modern communication technologies? You can stay in contact with us via our webpage where you can sign up for our newsletters. We would love to send you exciting news about our movement.

​European Parliament Workshop

April 13, 2023

Another workshop was presented in the Parliament: "Electromagnetic-hyper-sensitivity: The state of science".

In Europe there are millions of people suffering from EHS. About 3 million of them are severely affected. What are the latest findings on EHS from Science? How do these researches contribute to the scientific debate on EHS? Which public health and inclusion policy options are preferable to support people with EHS and improve their quality of life?

These and more questions were discussed on the workshop in Brussels that was hosted by MEP Michele Rivasi (Greens/EFA). Video and all presentations are now published. Be sure to watch it:


​Let's make the invisible visible

June 6 - June 26, 2023

Since 2018, we celebrate World EHS Day every June 16. This year we celebrate full 3 weeks. Send us a photo with a yellow chair or a yellow heart. You can find some photos in our last year's press release:


​The Second European gathering of EHS

Saturday, June 17, 2023

We are delighted to invite you to attend the second European gathering of Electro-hyper-sensitives on the French-Belgian border supported by 17 associations in Europe.

This second edition will have a European focus: We will meet MEP Michèle Rivasi and the European umbrella organisation Europeans for Safe Connections (ESC) and its present and future members. Find all details here:

Hope to see you in one of the last natural white areas in Europe!


​followed by
Workshops organised by ESC

Sunday, June 18, 2023

This EHS gathering will be followed by a workshop day by ESC on Sunday. The workshop is open to ESC members and people interested in building this new European initiative.

It is time to address EMF pollution at European level, let's build an ESC that defends the rights of European citizens!

Information and registering is on the same link:

​Remembering Nearfield

We need to transcend unhelpful taboos relating to EMF harm and disability to see electrohypersensitivity (EHS) for what it is – a real problem affecting real people in the real world.” – Sean A. Carney, Film Producer.

This short, animated film about EHS is finalist at many film festivals:


More and more experts are talking about the downsides of the digitalisation and radiation. In addition to professors who supported the ECI (, more and more books are being published. We list them here:

Thank you for reading this newsletter. Please share widely.
Europeans for Safe Connections

© 2024 Europeans for safe connections.