Noutăți Our Feedback to EC 13 June 2022

Have your say - Open Data

You can also get involved in forming EU laws. The European Commission would like to hear your views on laws and policies currently in development. They offer a platform "Have your say" with the list of all new EU initiatives open for public consultation. You need to register to write your feedback.

There are always 5 stages of each EU initiative, each stage is open for public consultation for a specific time frame:

  1. In preparation

  2. Call for evidence

  3. Public consultation

  4. Draft act

  5. Commission adoption

Open data – availability of public datasets

About this initiative: This initiative defines a list of ‘high-value’ datasets held by the public sector (datasets whose re-use can have major benefits for society and the economy). EU rules aim to make more publicly-funded information available for new information products and innovation, in particular in artificial intelligence.

Feedback period: for stage 4 it is 24 May 2022 - 21 June 2022


Feedback from Europeans for Safe Connections

We "Europeans for Safe Connections" welcome this initiative because in our european citizens' initiative "Stop (((5G))) – Stay connected but protected" we also write that according to the Aarhus Convention EU citizens have a right to ensure that the most up-to-date scientific data is taken into account when the EU adopts policies for the protection of the environment. Citizens have a right to access environmental information, to public participation in environmental decision-making processes and to access to justice.

We suggest to incorporate also telecommunication masts including small cells, wireless access points and other similar transmitters into public datasets under category 1) geospatial with these key attributes:

- Unique identifier;
- GPS location;
- RF EMF parameters (average + lows + peaks, all in a timelaps graphic format)
- technical parameters (operator, power, antenna type)
- photos of the location of the transmitter in relation to the surrounding buildings
- date of actualisation

These information is already public by law e.g. in Poland.

Telecommunication companies claim that they build them in public interest so let's include them into public database.

Best regards
Petra Bertová
on behalf of Europeans for Safe Connections

open data feedback
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