Because of the many hazards arising from 5G we call for a moratorium on the deployment of 5G until all adverse effects have been fully investigated. We request the EU to abide by EU laws and values and propose legislation as follows:
Protection of all life on Earth
Enact regulation to protect all life from radio frequency and microwave radiation.
Protection of our Environment
Enact stronger regulation to protect the environment from all the impacts of 5G and digitalization
Protection of our Data
Enact effective data protection to safeguard our privacy, security and freedom
Additional Texts:
Introduction to the Detailed Annex
Because of the many hazards arising from 5G we call for a moratorium on the deployment of 5G, including 5G from space satellites, until its adverse effects on health, the environment and digital rights have been fully investigated.
Precautionary Principle
The precautionary principle is based on the idea that if there is uncertainty about the existence or extent of risks, protective measures can be taken without waiting for the existence and severity of those risks to be fully demonstrated.
We Consider ICNIRP Flawed
ICNIRP is a private German association consisting of a Commission of up to 14 members with a scientific background, most of whom are very closely related to the industry.
5G In-depth Analysis for ITRE Committee
Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE Committee prepared in 2019 an in-depth analysis named 5G Deployment State of Play in Europe, USA and Asia which compared the deployment of 5G in the EU with other leading economies.
Existing Laws
We demand the EU abide by existing EU and international laws and values