Novinky Spätná väzba pre EK 26. máj 2022

Vyjadrite svoj názor - Opeľovače

Aj Vy sa môžete zapojiť do tvorby zákonov EÚ. Európska komisia by rada počula Vaše názory na zákony a politiky, ktoré sa v súčasnosti pripravujú. Ponúkajú platformu „Vyjadrite svoj názor“ so zoznamom všetkých nových iniciatív EÚ otvorených na verejnú konzultáciu. Ak chcete napísať spätnú väzbu, musíte sa zaregistrovať.

Každá iniciatíva EÚ má vždy 5 etáp, pričom každá fáza je otvorená pre verejnú konzultáciu na konkrétne časové obdobie:

  1. V prípravnej fáze
  2. Výzva na predloženie dôkazov
  3. Verejná konzultácia alebo dotazník
  4. Návrh právneho aktu
  5. Prijatie Komisiou

Iniciatíva EÚ zameraná na opeľovače – revízia

O iniciatíve: Táto iniciatíva pomôže splniť cieľ Európskej zelenej dohody, ktorým je zvrátenie úbytku opeľovačov do roku 2030, a zabezpečí, aby mohol tento hmyz prinášať aj naďalej neoceniteľný úžitok pre prírodu i ľudí.

Obdobie na poskytnutie spätnej väzby: Pre fázu 3 je to 17 Marec 2022 – 09 Jún 2022


Spätná väzba od Europeans for Safe Connections

We "Europeans for Safe Connections" call for better protection of bees and other pollinators against microwave radiation.

Bees worldwide are disappearing. It is called “colony collapse disorder” (Mystery of Disappearing Honeybees) and have resulted in massive loss of colonies with no sign of diseases. The bees simply leave the hives and fail to return. Microwave radiation is a strong candidate for being the cause.

Researchers at Landau University in Germany designed a simple experiment for students on the Environmental Science course. Eight mini-hives, each with approximately 8,000 bees were set up for the experiment. Four of them were equipped with a DECT (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication) station at the bottom of the hive, and the other four without the DECT station served as controls. In control group, 16 out of 25 bees returned in 45 minutes. For microwave-exposed hives, however, no bees at all returned to one hive, and only six returned to the other.

Many studies prove microwave radiation to be unsafe. The 5G mobile data network has not been tested for health and environmental impacts before being put on the market and can therefore be considered as an experiment on humanity and the environment, including the bees.

It is not only the bees that are affected. Biodiversity in general is declining. 1 Million animal and plant species are threatened with extinction worldwide – more than 75% decline over 27 years in the total flying insect biomass in protected areas. This must be caused by pollutants other than those already measured. It is highly likely that the wireless radiation is one of these causes.

Apart from recognising the intrinsic right of these insects to exist, it is essential to understand that mankind is highly dependent on these pollinators for its food supply and everything must be done to protect them.

As 5G will increase the microwave radiation level and as 5G uses new higher frequencies that are shown to be highly absorbed into insects, we urgently call for stronger regulation to protect bees and other pollinators as well as human health.

Read more:

Best regards
Petra Bertová
on behalf of Europeans for Safe Connections

pollinators feedback
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