News letters Our newsletter September 2022
Newsletter number 1
Dear Readers
We are very proud to release this first newsletter to inform you about the actions of the hard-working group behind the Stay Connected but Protected European Citizens’ initiaitve (ECI) and the Europeans for Safe Connection coalition and the many successes we accomplished.

Success nr. 1 - Forming an ECI
The first steps to initiate this ECI started 3 years ago. Despite the many challenges working across national borders, like language barriers, cultural and national differences, we managed to form a broad ECI with 3 main headlines: health impacts from radiation from wireless technology, the environmental impact of digitalization and technology development and the data misuse/surveillance potential.
The EU Commission accepted our ECI Oct. 2021, without the need of any amendments. The reason is most certainly that we have prepared an extremely thorough ECI which complies with all EU ECI rules and are within the competence of the Commission. Here you can find the The Draft Legal Act for the ECI.
We really need better laws against threats of wireless and digitalisation, for the sake of the health and wellbeing of all life and the environment. A successful ECI can change the very legal framework of the EU and thereby in each of our own EU countries and that is what we want to achieve with our 23 legislative proposals. When we achieve changes in EU legislation, we automatically make changes on national levels as well. Remember that.

Success nr. 2 - We are already being heard in the EU
Alongside with the signature collection, we have already started lobby activities within the EU. We are continuously sending feedback on new EU legislative proposals that is relevant for our 23 proposals in our ECI.
And recently we have found that some of the new EU laws and related EU activities coincide remarkably with our demands in some of our proposals. So maybe we are already changing and forming EU laws and policies right now.
For instance, the EU Commission have opened a public consultation to the SCHEER Opinion. They want to address RF EMF issues. This is what we ask in our Proposal 4.

Success nr. 3 - Establishing an organisation
We are in the process of establishing a formal umbrella organization, under the name of Europeans for Safe Connections. The purpose of this organization among other things is to influence legislation in the RF EMF field in the future. We are now at the stage where we soon will send invitation to potential interested organisations.
Success nr. 4 - Wide international cooperation
We also collaborate internationally with a Nordic coalition, groups in the UK and with Safe Tech International, who promoted the ECI in a webinar last 17 July.
In close and constructive cooperation with Dr. Marc Arazi from Phonegate, we are sending letters to national authorities responsible for telecom regulations. In these letters we ask the authorities if they have carried out specific absorption rate (SAR) tests on mobile phones etc. The idea is to put pressure on our authorities as Phonegate Alert has succeeded within France where 30 mobile models were withdrawn from the French market because they did not comply with the absorption limits. The models radiated too much.

Success nr. 5 - Improving EU collection system
In addition to collecting signatures, one of our great successes was changing technical details in the EU signature collection system.. There have been many difficulties which have been rectified following feedback from people that have signed. Thank you very much for that. It should now be significantly more straightforward to sign. Please spread this good news. Remember to sign here:
Success nr. 6 - International actions
A painter from Czech Republic, Zdeňka Horká, donated her painting to support our campaign with the name “The Last Bee”. The picture can be found in our blog article "Europeans for Safe Connections" call for better protection of bees against microwave radiation.
We support the Global 5G Protest days and worldwide initiatives and days.
Success nr. 7 - Social media supporters grow day by day
Because we run on a very low budget, we use primarily social media where we post new information almost every day. We are happy to see that our supporters grow day by day.
Social media:
Facebook 1128 followers
Telegram 111 subscribers
Instagram 81 followers
Twitter 177 followers
LinkedIn 116 followers
VK 14 followers
Gettr 9 followers
Video platforms:
You can find your national local social media here:
Thank you for reading this newsletter. Please sign and share widely.
And remember:
Responsible and conscientious people succeeded in stopping
the Tobacco Industry, the spread of DDT and asbestos.
We will succeed too – but we must do it together

The organisers of
Stay Connected but Protected
Please sign here: